Kairos Assistance
Groningen - Groningen
Kairos Assistance
Brede administratieve dienstverlening
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 -18 -3 00 09 1 1197 1397 1496 16214166 1697 1795 2 20 21 25 3 30 6 7 a actual administrativ agree all alpha an and any are as assistanc assistant at attention be belt benefit best beta bi birthday bok booking busines busy but buy buying by calendar can cancel cancellation clicking client co co-founder combined company complet complicated condition constant consult consum contact continuous contract cost cost-effectiv could creating custom day dependabl did discover do document does doing don during easier effectiv efficiency efficient efficiently email employee employment equipment even exclusiv experienc family feeling fill finish flexibility flexibl flight flow focus for founder free friday from full gamma gift goal hairdresser hand handl handy hardwar hav help her hiring holiday hom hour hous how if immediately important in-hous inbox info@kairosassistance.com instead insuranc invoic it ith just kairos keeping kep kind know let lif light list liv located long looking lot mak manag management matter meeting member monday month monthly mor most much ned netherland no not notic now number off omega on one only or organiz other our out overflow overwhelmed own pa packages partner pay perfect permanent personal physical plan planning policy premium prices prioritiz privacy problem processed professional provid quickly really related remot remotely request requir restaurant s schedul scheduled seller sem servic services sicknes small so someon spend staying submit support sur swamped t tak task tedious templates term than that the thes thing think this three tim times to to-do together too town trying typ under up urgent us usually vacation vat vegetarian w wasted way we weekly welcom what whether why will with within work workday workspac would year you your
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