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Tata Consultancy Services Netherlands B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Tata Consultancy Services Netherlands B.V.
500-999 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
02 20 2024 6 a a/c accept acros add advanced agil ai ai-powered all alway an analyst analytic and application are artificial as asset assuranc at autonomous awesom aws banc banking belief best bfsi blockchain build building busines businesses button buying by california capital carer centrica centricity chain chroma citiz clas clinical cloud cognitiv collaborativ collection commerc communication connected consent consult consultancy consumer consumption contact content cookie cookies corporat creat cros cross-industry crypto cultur customer customiz cutting cx cybersecurity dat data decad declin deliver delivery development digital disclaimer discover distribution diversity do download driv driving drug edf edg education electric empower enabl enabled energy enginer enterpris equity erp exchang experienc experiences explor facebok financial find flexibl follow footer for foundation futur giv gm god googl group growth harnes health healthcar high hob homepag how hr ignio impact improved inclusion industries industry industry-lead information innovat innovation insight instagram insuranc intelligenc intelligent interactiv investor invisibl ion iot jil join journey latest leader leading leaner learner learning ledger left lif limited linkedin logistic lov loyalty lufthansa main manufactur market mastercraft media merchandis metaver microsoft modern modernization mor moves necessary net net-zero network new newsrom notic nuuday omnistor on open operation optimization optional optumera or our out pac partner partnership paus payabl personalized perspectives phygital platform play policy possibl potential power powered pres pricing privacy product program public quartz read ready realiz recogniz relation releas research resilienc resources responsibility responsibl retail rich right s saf sciences search secur security select servic services skip slid smart social solution someth sourcing sponsorship sport spotlight stay stories strategic strictly superior supply support
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