The Seafood Bar Spui
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
The Seafood Bar Spui
10-49 wn.
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+31 +442 045 15 1984 2011 2012 202 2024 206 213 22 250 272 302 32h 337 355 430 452 563 5h 611 614 708 733 77 864 a afar all along also alway ambianc amsterdam an and arriv availabl award award-winn baerlestrat balanc bar be beautiful becom bed beloved best bolstrat building busines but by carefully caught centr city clam cocktail cozy crab craftsmanship crushed culinary damrak daughter dean developed din dining dinner discover dishes do eel enjoy exclusively experienc f facebok family financial first fish fisheries fisherman fon for freshest from full giftcard grew group guardian hard hav he healthy helmond his hooked how ice iconic ideal if important includes ingredient innovativ instagram institution into investor it its job known light lin line-caught lines local london lonely long lunch maintain mak meal mean menu might mod new newsletter next north offer oft on one only opened or our outstand painted pijp plac planet platter pleasur prepared pres prid privat provid pur putting quality razor re remain renowned reservation reserved respect restaurant right s sea seafod select send servic shop smoked social soho someth son south spot spui station stationsplein stock stret striv stunning stylish subscrib supplier surnam sustainability sustainabl tak texel that the this tiktok tiling timber times to today together true us utrecht variety visit visscher volendam we whether which whit white-painted wid will winning with without work you
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