Syngenta Seeds B.V.
De Lier - Zuid-Holland
Syngenta Seeds B.V.
Opslag in distributiecentra en overige opslag (niet in tanks, koelhuizen e.d.)
50-99 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
De Lier
000 09.01.2025 100 20.02.2025 2025 26.02.2025 30 a about accept accessibility activity agcelerator agricultur agricultural agtech ai alert all allow also analys analytic and anonymized apply are around as at based be becom believ biological boost brought browsing by can cannot car carer chain choices clear climat collect communities company condition connect contact content cookie cookies copyright corn count countries country creates crop declin digital directly discover earth easily email employes enhanced ensur environmental ever exampl experienc facebok farmer farming features feeding finding fod footer footprint for foundation from frontier futur get global grow grown hav headquarter health help hom how imag impact improv information informed innovation instagram it job know larg leadership leading learn lif link linkedin looking main mak manag may media menu met microplastic million mor most mov natur navigation necessary new next number nutritious offic on other our pag partner partnership per performanc personal personalis planet plinazolin policy popup preferences pres priorities privacy problem product protected protection provid quick re read receiv recognis reduc regenerat releases remember required resourc right s saf safer sav scienc science-based search secondary security sed see selector set setting shap shar show sign sit society soil solution someth stakeholder start stay stories story strengthen strictly supplier surveillanc sustainability switzerland syngenta tackling taking target technology term than that the thes they this to track traffic transform twitter understand up us use user uses using utility valuabl value video view visitor way we websit websites what when wher whil who with wom work working world you your youtub
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