Swets Handel en Scheepvaart B.V.
Zwijndrecht - Zuid-Holland
Swets Handel en Scheepvaart B.V.
Binnenvaart (vrachtvaart)
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 0 1 1.100 1.264 1.379 1.4 1.459 1.5 1.500.000 1.575 1.587 1.600 1.704 1.736 1.75 1.85 1.950.000 100 1055 1150 1200 1232 1236 125.000 1294 13.0000 130 1333 1349 135.000 14 15.200 150 1500 1530 1549 1566 1605 1610 1645 1700 175.000 18 180 185.000 1908 1972 2.002 2.047 2.078 2.25 2.250.000 2.262 2.309 2.45 2.450.000 2.494 2.495 2.500.000 2.530 2.550 2.570 2.6 2.626 2.684 2.705 2.735 2.891 2.95 24 24237909 250 2523 2534 2557 2563 265.000 2681 2737 275.000 277/83 2898 2942 295.000 3.1 3.100 3.160 3.25 3.362 3.5 3.634 3212 3330 343 3475 350.000 36 375.000 3790 3896 3999 4.000 4.200 4.217 40 406 408 415 425.000 43 4479 450.000 475.000 479 5.000 5.350 5.480 5082 525.000 53 542 55 560 573 59 6.491 675.000 682 7.000 747.500 770 814 854840230 87 925.000 940.000 95.000 950.000 971 973 985 987 a about allow and are area asd asphalt assistanc availabl back barg barges below best bhp bitum boat bollard box boxshaped bp bunker button by capacity cargo carrier category cb chamber chemical clas clicking coastal combination commerc condition confirm contact container cookie cookies customer day deck decker delivery developed dnv doubl double-hull double-hulled draft dredger dry during dwt each ensur eur euro every ex excavator excellenc experienc fast ferry fill find fitted fixed flat for form founded freighter freigther fresh fully general get giv gl going government grab gross/net gt hav hom hopper horsepower hp hull hulled ii imo industry inland jumbo larg ll lo looking low low-draft lpg maritim mln mor motor multi multicat n.a ned netherland network new nl802038359.b.01 non non-self-propelled not nr off off-shor oil oil/bunkering oke on open option our p.o passenger patrol pax pitch pleas policy ponton pressurized pric privacy product promis propelled propeller pull purchas purpos push pushboat pusher quality read ref reliability request river ro ro-ro roro/pax rotterdam s sal sand satisfaction screw sea sea-going sea-river self self-propelled send sh1009 sh1011 sh1016 sh1024
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