Stichting ITC Foundation
Enschede - Overijssel
Stichting ITC Foundation
Universitair hoger onderwijs
100-499 wn.
Hallenweg 8 A
+31 0 12th 17 20 23/01/2025 4 44 487 53 8 a abdullah about academic accept acquir activities adaptation administration admission advanc aerial agricultur all all/archive allow alumni among an analytical and andjin application applied apply approaches are around as at be becom better beyond big bioclima biodiversity bring bringing building busines but by can capabl carer catchment cdr centr centres chair challenges chang charting china chines chos cities clas climat collaboration complex conferenc conference/symposium confident connect consequences conservation contact cookie cookies copyright cor cour courses cover crib cros cross-disciplinary data data-scarc day defenc defences den department develop development differenc different dignitaries disaster disciplinary disciplines disclaimer do domain don dutch earth educat education effectiv employes enabl encompas energy engaged enginer entity entrepreneur environmental epicentr equip eu eu-china europ europe-funded european event excellenc executed expert expertis eye facilitat facilities faculty field find finder fluxes focus focused fod for forest fot from fundamental funded futur geo geo-health geo-information geo-spatial geodata geospatial global go goal governanc graduat groundwater haidi hallenweg he health heat held heterogeneous high high-skilled his hog homberg horizon housing hydrology icuc12 impact improv inaugural includ info information innovation innovativ instagram institutes integrated interdisciplinary interest international internationally into intranet it itc joined kicked knowledg lab land landscapes langezijd last latest leading learn lectur let li library link linkedin load major mak making management many marc margriet master mengna mission mitigat modell monitor mountainous nation national natural new next njuki observation off on one onlin open operat oration other our overview parallel park partner party peopl phd pieter planning plateau player policy practical predict p
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