Ris Consultancy B.V.
Blaricum - Noord-Holland
Ris Consultancy B.V.
10-49 wn.
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06 2024 20441435 a about acquisition agency already an and approach art as at based ben beyond blog both cas chang charged clarity clear client communication compell complex complexities confidenc consult consultancy contact cor corporation craft crafting critical develop do don driv dynamic each emotionally employes ensur ensures enterprises everyth excel expertis fail for from get go go-to hav head head-on heard help hom how impact impactful ineffectiv ins issues it journey karien@risconsultancy.nl key know lack larg let lin linkedin m major manag master medium medium-sized merger messag messages much narrativ navigat ned netherland new not numerous oft on opportunity or organization our out partner passionat peopl powerful precision professional project prov re reason record reorganization requires resonat ris s see shareholder sized small so specializes stak stories strategic strategies studies succes successful tackling that the their ther thes threat through to touch tough track trenches ts turnaround two understand us we when who why winning with within work you your
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