PolyKnomics B.V.
's-Hertogenbosch - Noord-Brabant
PolyKnomics B.V.
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
2-4 werknemers
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+31 2020 50666804 5237 6 61 a about accessibl accord achiev adapt advic advis all amount an analyses analysis analytical and any apply are as assessment association at attached audit befor below big bigger biomarker bring bringing bug but button bv c can candidat chasing click clinical cluster company comput computation computational compute/storage consist consult contact control currently customer customised d dat data dataset decad deploy design develop development devis different directly discover discovery diseas do does down e.g entrepreneurial establish etiologic eu euros ever every exampl exist experienc experiment experimental expert explain external faces fair fal false-positives findabl finding follow follow-up for forward fp7 free/open from functional genom genome-wid genomic get goal growing guarantee gwas gwas-map hav having heart help helping hertogenbosch how hypotheses idea importanc improv info@polyknomics.com infrastructur integrates interested interoperabl intervention into invest involved it its keeping keyword know leadership learn let lies lif lik linux lov maintain maintenanc mak management map may mean medium method million model modern molecular mor most mov natur ned netherland new no not novel now nowher number offer omic omics-related on ones only open optimis or organis organisation original our pa paramount patient peopl pipelines platform polyknomic positives previous principles privat procedur proces project proper provid published python quality question r rang ranging read related report reported reproducibl research researcher resources result resulted reusabl risk s s-hertogenbosch samples scienc sciences scientific scroll select server setting several sized small softwar solution som sourc specialises spend spirit statistical stewardship story strategic stratify string studies study subtypes system tailor target team than that the their ther therefor thes they thinking this to touch training troubl two uncommon up us use valuabl
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