Platvis Holland B.V.
Edam - Noord-Holland
Platvis Holland B.V.
10-49 wn.
Aambeeldstraat 44
+31 0 00 1135 299 3 30 374 375 5 7 a about abov accord added added-value additional addres after all also am an and any aquacultur are around arrives as asc asc-certificat assesment assist assistent at auction audit b.v bag basis be becaus being belong below best boxes breaded bring bulk busines by call can cater certificat certificates certified check checked claim clicking closed coating collega colored com comes commissionair communication concept confrim constantly contact contactdetail control cooling could council countries creat creativ criteria day demand detailed directly do doing don down dutch e e-mail edam either email enforcement european every everywher examined exist explor external factories factory fel fillet filling find first fish fishconcept fisherm flavor fod follow for form found free freezing fresh freshnes friday from froz frozen-added-value-fish-concept full full-colored furthermor futur ga garuantee generation get giv glob global going got group guarantee hamerstrat happy hav having health healthines her herefor hesitat high hog holland hom hour how ideas ifs ifs-certificat ifs-certified immediately import improv includ info information ingredient insight international issues it its jij kep know kwaliteit kwaliteitsmanager label laboratory launch law leading learn learning les let level lik local looking mail maintain mak makes manager manifold many marin market mat material mayb men messag met monday monster mor msc msc-certificat nam natural ned needed netherland new nieuw number offer offic on open opportunities option or order our ourselves out packag partner peopl personalized phon platvis pm point polybag population possibl potential pp pp-group prefried presentation preserved privat proces processes produced producer product production project purchas purchases quality question rang raw read receiv regard regulatory required requirement responsibl retailboxes s safety saturday seafod send sent serveral shipment show s
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