PK Trucks
Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel - Zuid-Holland
PK Trucks
Import van nieuwe bedrijfsauto’s
5-9 wn.
Parallelweg-Zuid 211
Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel
+31 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 00 032 1 10 105.000 10x4 11 111.500 12 13 14 144 15 155.000 168 17 18.250 19 1x 2 2025 211 22 22.440 24 2914 2x 3 30 32 33.360 33.440 3340 34 34x 35 382 39 4 41 45 4x2 4x4 5 57 6 64 6x4 6x6 7 73 8 8x 8x4 8x8 9 a a/d about added addres all allow ambulanc and any aroc as astra automobiles availability availabl axl backhoe bb ben benz body box boxloader brand broad bus buses busines by cab cabin canvas center ch chassis choic cimc city closed coaches competitiv complianc concret condition configuration connect construction contact container cookies cran custom.stock dedicated dedication delivery designed dieci direct disclaimer doubl drawbar driv dutch duty easy emission empower english equipment equipped euro euromax experienc export family fiat fighter fighting find fir flatbed flet for forklift fri from fuel gallery general genuin global go grunwald hand hav head her high hom hub id ijssel item iveco jcb jep kep known kogel larg le left level lift light link list loader loading local machinery mailing man manitou mercedes mercedes-benz midi mini mitrax mitsubishi mixer mobil mon mor multi navigation netherland new nieuwerkerk nissan norm offer on our parallelweg part peugeot pick pick-up pk pm pric pricing privacy product pump quality quick rang ready ready-to-go recently recovery refrigerated renault request right road s sa schmitz search see self servic setting sewag sid sides siever singl sold spar specification sport spray statement steering stock superstructures supplier suv sweeper t tank tarpaulin/canvas telehandler tgm tgs the thes tilt/curtainside tim tipper to top touringcar toyota tractor tradition trailer truck twistlock unit up us use useful utility vacatures van vehicl vehicles viewed vma5119 vma5124 vma5136 vma5137 vma5241 vma5243 volvo water we well with workshop year yet you your zuid
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