Pig & Rye
Tilburg - Noord-Brabant
Pig & Rye
2-4 werknemers
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00 12 2010 2017 2024 a achieved after all alway american an and another are around as ask at bacon bagel baker bakery baking basis ben better bread bun busines but butcher by can challeng charcuterie cheeses chef clos club co co-owner complicated condiment day decided decision dinner do during each easy end ever every everyth far fast felt fermented filled first fledged focus fod foi for form french from fully generously go god gras grew has history hom homemad how if it item kind kitch kombucha lasted leavened lifelong lik limited lin lobster luc lunch mad mak making market martin menu mor mustard naturally new not number obsession old on one or our ourselves out own owner particular pastries pickled pig popup possibl production proud question ready refined regular restaurant rye s sandwiches scratch season self self-taught sell sell-out selling serv shed sinc singl slow sometimes sourdough specialist started still styl supper takeaway taught technique than that the then ther thes this tilburg tired to trashy truffl twelv unique until up used vegetables way we wek well wer whil with year yes
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