NTS Optel B.V.
Nijmegen - Gelderland
NTS Optel B.V.
Ingenieurs en overig technisch ontwerp en advies
10-49 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 -2023 -7 0 01 17 2014 24 3 352 6 6534 8 a about accelerat activ add adding addres aligned all allow along alway an analytical and application are areas art as assembl assembles assembly at be beam best both boundaries boundary brochur can capabilities captivat caree carer cas certificates chain cleanlines cleanrom colleagues combin complex complexity concept condition conflict constantly contact content continuous cookies copyright cost craftsmanship creat creating custom customer customized decades delivery design develop development dimension disciplinary discover do does domain download during dutch efficiency/lower electronic enables enginer english ensur ever excel exceptional excited experienc expertis explor eye facilities faster field fill final first fit fit-for-purpos focus for foremost form from futur get global go greyrom having health her high highlight hous how idea ideas illumination imag important in-hous includ increased industry infrastructur inhous insight integrated internal into introduction iso it job kep know knowhow knowledg lab larg laser lif lifecycl lik location lower machin main management manager manufactur manufacturability manufactures market mean measurement mechanic mechanical mechatronic media menu michel mind mineral mix modul modules mor mov multi multi-disciplinary nanostructur ned netherland new nijmeg nts number oem off offer on on-tim onc one one-off optel optic optical opto opto-mechatronic or our outsources partner pas pastor perfectly policy posses possibl presenc privacy proces produc product production professional proficiencies project prototyp provid provider purpos push rapid read reality regardles rely repeat requirement respond rs sales scienc seamlessly search semicon semiconductor sensing series sit sites skip small smaller social softwar solution som son sourcing specialised sped starting stat state-of-the-art story striv student succes such supply system taking technological technologies term testing than tha
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