Neni Amsterdam B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Neni Amsterdam B.V.
50-99 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 -7470098 00 1 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 2 20 3 30 3pm 4 5 6 747 8 98 a about add afhal after all allow already also am amsterdam amsterdam-based an and andaz announc approximately arak are around artisan as at atmospher attraction away babka back bakery balagan bar based be beautiful below ber berlin best better birthday bok booking box brand brand-new bread break brunch busines but button by cakes call can car carer ceiling character charcoal chef citroen city classic clicking cloud cocktail collection cologn combination concret contact content cookie cookies copenhag counter custimized day deli delicious delivery dessert different dining dinner direct dishes dna do domed don eating either email enjoy entir event every excellent excit experienc family father favourit features few fig fin find fired fish flor fod for former founder freely friday from fruit full garag gard get giv glas great grill guest hamburg hang hanging happy hav haya her hom homag hop hotel hous i information interest interested it item just kitch langstras lantern larg launches lemon lemonman lemonmanbar level lif limoenman link local located location long lunch mad main mak makes mallorca may media mediterranean menu menus merchant mezz middl minutes mixed monday month mor most munch nam naschmarkt navigation near ned neni new newsletter nic nicknam not now offer on open openinghour or order other our out oven own packag paris part parties partner pas pastries pay perfect personal pick pita placed plates platform pleas pm pop pop-up pr preparation prepared present prinsengracht privacy privat product proud reception reservation restaurant right robata roelof rom round s sam saturday scren see send september setting shared showcased signatures social som son sourdough spac special sped split split-level stadionplein statement stay such suggest summer sunday t tabl tables tak take-away takeaway tast tekst than that the then thes third this through t
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