Multi Holding IV B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Multi Holding IV B.V.
100-499 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 100 1000 1025 1070 1082 111 15 160 18 18th 19 19th 2 20 200 2024 25 29 3rd 4 5 590 6 74120 88 a about acros advisory ago all altin altın amsterdam and announc appointment are areas as asset at august award bc began best best-in-clas bn box building can carer center centr centres cities clas client committed company complet contact contain convenienc cookie copyright corporation countries denmark depth destination development director disclaimer district driv driving e effectiv employes enhances espacio estat europ european every excited expertis f fact figures flor for from genoa glanc group gustav hakan has headquarter heart holding hom in-depth indotek institutional integrated investor istanbul july key knowledg lasting leading leasing leon local long long-last m mahler mahlerlan mall manag management manages mandat market mixed mixed-us mk mor mostly multi neighbourhod netherland new oc offer on optimis our outlet oversee owner p.o park partner partnership peopl period phas platform portfolio pres prestigious privacy properties property protect proud rang re read real record redevelopment refurbishment regional regional-scal relationship rely reserved retail retailer retain retained return right ringsted sc scal see servic services serving shopping sitemap spain span spectrum sqm statement statutory successfully support t than thank the thematic to together total track truly turkey ukrain under us use value visitor we win with year you
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