Montis Mooring- and Boatservice B.V.
Terneuzen - Zeeland
Montis Mooring- and Boatservice B.V.
Zee- en kustvaart (passagiersvaart en veerdiensten)
10-49 wn.
Goessekade 1
+31 0 1 115 1996 2015 2023 24 24/7 3 36 40 4530 4531 619 72 9001 920 a ab abl about activities addition adn adn-certificated afloat after agency aim all allowed alongsid also alway an and anker any apply apprentic approved are area around as ashor assist assistanc association assured at attend authority availabl awarded b b.v back be befor begeleid ben benelux bent beroep better bezit bied bijvoorbeeld binnenwater board boat boatm boatman boatservic bootman bootman/schipper bot both bv by calamiteit call can canal capacity carried carrying central certificat certificated certificates certification certified chretienn clock collectiv colleg collega combineert comes company completed complies condition connection consent contact contribution cookies coordinator cor craft creating customer cutting daarnaast dag dagdienst dangerous day day-to-day delay deliver deny dep department depend design designed determined developed dienstverlener diploma diplomas disclaimer division do doubt dow download drie dutch duurt dz edg education een eerst efficiency eligibl emergencies enthousiast environment ervar established every exam excellenc exemption expertis far find first flet flexibel follow follow-up for form frez from functie ghent ghent-terneuz goed goeder goessekad going groei grot group handling hav havengebied health held helmsm helmsman help himself hom houding hour hr huisman hulp importanc important improv ingedeeld inspection inspectorat intensiv iso iso-certification it jar jetties jetty jij job jou jouw kad kader kep klantgericht klein km knowledg launches leerling level ligg lin line-handl local lock loods looking losgemaakt m/v mag makes management manager manned marin maritiem maritim may mbo mee meeting menu meter minimal mogelijk montis mooi mooring mooring/unmooring mor muller multraship must nautical nautisch nbv nbv-boatman nen nen-en-iso netherland niveau nl no north now obtain on onlin ontwikkel operat operates operation operational
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