Margherita Tutta la Vita B.V.
Diemen - Noord-Holland
Margherita Tutta la Vita B.V.
5-9 wn.
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+31205618176 1112 12.00 12/15/2024 12/16/2024 12/25/2024 12/29/2024 16.30 2019 2024 2025 2040 21.30 22.00 23rd 2nd 3rd a aardig about afternon all amsterdam and antoin any are around at authentic back bar best birthday blondel by call celebrat cheap click closed cok com contact cooking dalsteindref december definitely dennishilg diem diemen-zuid directly don doorstep drink eat email eten favorit fel fir fod follow for friday friendly from front full gem guru has hav help her hid hom hug ideal incclud it italian january just kid la latest lavita lekker lif lik location looking mad mak margherita menu molchanovsky monday mor my occasion officially open or order other our out oven parent park party personel pizza pizzas pizzeria plac plek prices program project read recommendation relax reservation reserverd restaurant review right rub s saturday say sergey shar som soul special staff story sunday super sur t tak takeaway tel the they this thursday tim times to tonight top treat truck tuesday tutta up updates us vandenbussch very vita we web wednesday welcom what will with wod workshop xc you your zuid
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