LioniX International B.V.
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LioniX International B.V.
Vervaardiging van meet-, regel-, navigatie- en controleapparatuur
50-99 wn.
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+31 053 1 2 20 2001 3 30 4 456 500 53 7500 7521 a about accept acros addres advertis all an analyz and application as asking assembly at box building busines but bv by can center chip circuit clas commercial company contact cookies copyright creativity custom customiz customized dat data deliver delivery design detail development disclaimer discus driv e e-mail ensched essential experienc fabrication facilities field find finished for from gallery generally get global grow hav help hengelosestrat her hom if impact improv information integrated integration international leading lies lionix mail mak manufactur market mem microsystem modul modules mor multi ned netherland nitrid not on only option or our packag phon photonic pic pleas po policy privacy problem proces product production project provid provider question re requirement right scal servic silicon similar sinc solution solv solving som specialist specific stages stay strength sur talk team technological technologies technology that the to touch up us usag use vertical vertically visit volum volumes wafer waveguides we websit well with work world world-clas you your
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