Hospitainer B.V.
Vaassen - Gelderland
Hospitainer B.V.
Ingenieurs en overig technisch ontwerp en advies
10-49 wn.
Griftsemolenweg 19 /21
1 1.650.000 140.000 2 2010 2025 24 3 30 5 50 a acquainted add africa after afterward aim all an and ant ante-natal approach are areas around as at autonomous away back basic be becaus becom bed befor bemonc best broad brochures build by can car cemonc chain challenges chang chassis clarify clean client clinic conflict consumables contact container containerized content context continent continuous cor could countries coupl cover critical customiz customized day deliver deployment designed dessert detail different direct disaster dispatch docksid draw during earth email emergency ensur enter environment equipment even exist expanded expansion expect experiences exploration facebok faced facilitated facility factory fast field find fit floorplan focus for form founder from fully furnished gaza gbv geographical get glob greater guid hard hard-to-reach hav healthy high high-tech highly holding hospitainer hospital hour how human ict implementation importanc improvement incom infrastructur inpatient instagram investment it item job kep key know let lik liking limted linkedin local long long-term low low-and-middl madagascar maintenanc management maternitainer maternity matter may medical meeting mercy met middl minimis mobil modular modules month mor most mov mulder natal ned needed number offer on one onlin only or origin our out outpatient partner passion patient performed permanent person personal peter phas phon plac places possibl pre pregnant prepared product production project provid provider provides purposes quality quickest quickly rang rapid reach read refit relation relevant remain remot request requir respon respond right rolof s saf scratch semi semi-permanent servic services setup shar ship sinc situation skip so social solution som sometimes sotac spac specially specific start station step stock story structures substantial suffer supply support surgical sustainabl t tailored tak takes team tech term than that the them thes think this thousand threat thro
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