Happy Adams B.V.
Zaandam - Noord-Holland
Happy Adams B.V.
Adviesbureaus op het gebied van public relations en communicatie
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
1506rb 35 68587627 a about achiev adam add addres admin@happyadams.com advic all allow alway among an and any are areas art at audienc audiences audio/video b.v be becom befor below best better big budget building built busines business/mailing by camera can capabl celebrat challeng channel cheerlead choreograph choreographed choreography clas classes clear clearer click coach coaching common communicat communication community conferenc connect consistent contact contemporary content contract cor could counsel crafting creat created creation creativ cueing current czarinastrat danc dancing dash decad deeply develop development different discus do doing dreaming during dust each effectively element engaged ensur especially event everyon excit executiv experienc extra family fel find fit fitnes flashmob flexibl for forward fresh friend from front fun fundamental funder gather genr get goal got group hand happines happy help her hip hip-hop hom hop how ideas imag implementation important influenc inspired instruct instruction instructor interact interactiv internal introduc issues it justin kep kvk lead learn lesson level limited looking lov mak management many map master material matt meaningful media messag messages mind mindset modern mor most motivated mov music narrativ necessary ned nederland new occasion off on onlin opportunity or organization other our own pair parties/event partner party peopl performanc period person personal pictur plan planning policy pop post posterity practic pre pre-recorded prepar preserv privacy privat proces production professional program/campaign project promot provid rather re reach ready record recorded refresh research resources s saf seasoned servic services shap shaping shar shelf simply sit smiling social som sometimes sound special specialities specific specifically speechwrit spokespeopl spread stepping stories strategic strategy stunt stunting support supporter sur sweating t tailored talk target team techniques tell testi
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