Halliburton B.V.
Emmen - Drenthe
Halliburton B.V.
Ingenieurs en overig technisch ontwerp en advies
100-499 wn.
Columbusstraat 19
0.70 02 2024 2025 30 615 75 a abandonment about accepter afwijz all all-electric allen an analys and announced announcement announces application articl as asia asia-pacific asset at automated automation banner barahib barrel based be boost bottom build by can carbon carer cas celebrat center chang climat closed closed-lop collaborat community company compartmentalization completion construction contact continues contract control cookies cost coterra customer data deliver delivered deviated diluted discover don drilling ecostar efficiency electric electrification electronic elk energy enginer environment equinor essentiel etrsv evenal explor fed field field-prov filtrat first fluid for formation fourth frac fractur fully futur gan gas gebruik geotap gericht guiding halliburton hart help high high-performanc how hse hub hydraulic ids improv improves incom industry industry-lead information innovation instell integrated integrity introduc invasion investor it join key knowledg kunt lab latest launch leading learn lop low maakt major mak maximiz media million mogelijk moment mor nano nanotechnology net new north offshor oil on on-bottom operator opslagvoorkeur opslan optimiz or orchestrat our overview own pacific per performanc personalisatie petrobras placement pres pressur principles privacy privacybeleid proces production program prov provides quality quarter read reclam reduc reduces region releas releases reliability reservoir resourc result retrievabl rig s safety sea secures see sekal servic services shal shar shet sitefunctionaliteit sluit softwar solution standaardinstell story study subsurfac supplier sustainability system technologieen technology term testing the through tight to today tomorrow trsv tubing tubing-retrievabl understand us value valv verder visualization water water-based we websit well wellbor what wijzig with world year your zoal
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