Green Hills Software B.V.
Leusden - Utrecht
Green Hills Software B.V.
Groothandel in computers, randapparatuur en software
10-49 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
-05 -10 -11 -13 -14 -16 -178 -20 -2024 -2025 -22 /c 02 03 09 1 10 14 16 178b 178c 1982 2 20 2024 3 31 4 5 6 7 9 a about accordanc aerospac agree aid air airlifter all allow analyz and application apr arm army assuranc automotiv autonomous autotech aviation avionic based ben benefit best bsp bug by can certification certified ces cetitec chos clicking cod collaborat communication compiler comprehensiv configurabl contact control controller cookies copyright corerid coverag critical customer dal dearborn debugger dec defen defend defined degraded deliver democracy depend detroit development devic disallow display do do-178b do-178c don driver eal edgetech election electronic embedded enabled end end-to- engin enter environment ese event expert fall fast fastest features feb fix focused for forc functionality gallery germany gren group hanser has helicopter help hercules highlight hill hom how hypervisor ide identifier improv in-vehicl industrial industry infineon integity integrated integrity intel international issues jan japan jun kongres lak las launches leader leading learn mar market may media medical mi microcontroller microprocessor military mission mor most multi multicor nashvill new not notices nov novi nv nxp on open operat optimiz or our paper partition partner patent performanc phas pick platform policy post present privacy problem product production production-focused protect real real-tim record reliability reliabl rely rss rtos s s32 saf safety safety-critical sdv search secur security semiconductor services sh short similar sinc sindelf sit small smallest so softwar software-defined solution solv solving standard standards-based stmicroelectronic summit super supplies support system t tech technology testing the their they this tiger tim timemachin tn to tol track training triumph tump u.s unhackabl us usa use uses vegas vehicl vehicles verification virtual virtualization visual we websit whit who why with world worldwid yokohama you your zonal
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