Fincimec SPA
's-Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland
Fincimec SPA
Vervaardiging van stalen buizen, pijpen, holle profielen en fittings daarvoor
100-499 wn.
President Kennedylaan 19
+39 0332576056 21 21016 3 70 a accept all ambitious and application are as beginn bring build busines button carer chemical cleaner cod collaborat committed companies company complet consent construction contact content continue continuously contract cookie cookies cornerston customiz cycl data day delivery dep design document download ecology efficiency energy english ensur environment epc ethic experienc fabrication fincimec find fod for foundation from functionality futur gas general governanc greener group health heavy history holding hse hse-q improv industrial infrastructur international it01948390123 italy leading learn lif lifting linkedin lives long luino machin main maintenanc major manufactur measurement mechanical methodically microelectronic mor n offer oil on operational or our out paper parties passionately peopl petrochemical pharmaceutical piping plant policy present printing priority privacy profil project protection provid purposes q quality reject relationship reliability renewabl risorgimento rot s s.p.a safety sector selected services similar sinc sites skid skip specified standard stel strategy strong structures succes such supplier sustainability system team teamwork technical technologies the their third throughout tim to top turnkey types unit us use va values vat we whistleblow with without work worldwid your
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