Fashion for Good B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Fashion for Good B.V.
Overige specialistische zakelijke dienstverlening
10-49 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
1 1.79 13 15 184 2.0 2.31 2019 2022 2023 2024 2025 2030 3000 421 501s 6 66960746 8 a about accelerat accelerator accept acces achiev acros action actionabl activewear addres address adidas adoption advanc advanced advis aggregated agricultural aim aimed all almat alternativ alternatives although altmat ambitious amplify amsterdam an and animal annie announces approach approximately are around articl as assess assessment at back bag balanc based bcg be bed below ben bending bestseller betwen bi bi-monthly biomaterial biophilica biosynthetic blended bn both brand breakthrough bridges bring bringing build by campaign can capabilities capital capital-intensiv cases catalyst ceo chain challenges chang circ circular circularity circulos climat climate-related clos closing cofounder collaborat collaborates collaboration collaborativ collection collectiv committed communication complementary complex complexities complexity composition concept conducted connect connection consent consist consumer contact continue contributes convener conversation copyright cost could cover creat creating critical crucial cull current curv cutting cutting-edg cycles dat data decoupl deeper defined definition deliver delv demand depth design development did different digital director discussion dispos disruption disruptiv distinct div do does dollar dov driv driver drives driving due each ecosystem edg efficiency efficiently effluent email emerg emission empower enabl enables end environmental equivalent essential etp ever evolv executiv exercis exist experimentation expert exploration explores exporter extensiv extremely faces facilitat fall fashion fast fastfeetgrinded feedstock fet fiber fibr fin find finding first fiv flow focused footwear for forecast forefront forward fossil fossil-fuel foster foundation founder fount fragment fragmentation free from fuel fund fundamental funder funding futur gain gap garment gather gen global goal god googl gren grinded growing growth guid hard harm has
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