Dutch African Investment Holding B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Dutch African Investment Holding B.V.
Overige ideële organisaties (rest)
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+251 100 118593099 118593100 1st 20 940262468 a ababa abl addis africa all allow also alway ancient and anderacha approach arabica are as authentic be bean becom ben best big bol born brought building by call can choosing clas client coffee communities community companies company condition consumer contact corner corporat cultivated cut data distribution do dry enjoy ensur equitabl equity ethiopia evergrand excellenc exceptional facilities fair fairchain famous faq farm farmed farmer flor follow for forested from front get global god ground grown guid guji harrar harvested has hav high higher highest hom hotel how ideal impact incredibl info@moyeeethiopia.com information it jimma join kaffa largest learn limu lost lov masha mean meant medhanialem mor mosaic most mountain moyee multinational never newsletter no not one only operat origin our packag packaged partner pay personal policy premium privacy proces produc produced product project quality re reaches reinvest responsibl retail roast roasted roasting s sam set shop shortchang sidama sign so som standard story sustainably team term that the them then thes they this to trad unmatched up us value wages wash way we wher why within without world world-clas yirgachef your
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