Danvos C.V.
Opperdoes - Noord-Holland
Danvos C.V.
2-4 werknemers
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+31 0 14001 1674 17020 17021 17025 17065 19 2009/28 2020 22000 26000 620448413 653240921 9001 a about accreditation activities adaptation advic after agr agred agricultural agro/food/feedchains all an and applicationslik approach areaswher as assist assuranc at audit auditor b be biobased biomas bioplasticsapplication bodies budget bv certification chain coffee commodities company consultancy contact conversion cooperatives cost danvos danvos.nl delivery detail development directiv director dirk download during e e-mail economy employes energy environment especially eu exist experienc fair farmer fed fibresand fit focused fod for format gap globalgap gmp goal god group haccp/gmp health health-and high how ifoam immediat implementation independent info inform information inspection interested internal into iso iso/iec issue issues jan january know lead lik low mail maintenanc management manufactur mor netherland new nieuweweg nop oiland on opperdoes or organisation other palm participation pdf peopl pleas pleased pm practic privat processes profil project quality renewabl responsibility responsibl safety safety-issues sc senior small social sourcing special standard sugar supplier supply support system team tel that the their this timefram to trad training transparency tropical us usda vos way we will with within work worker you your
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