B.V. Scheepswerf Damen Hardinxveld
Gorinchem - Zuid-Holland
B.V. Scheepswerf Damen Hardinxveld
Bouw van schepen en drijvend materieel (geen sport- en recreatievaartuigen)
100-499 wn.
Avelingen-West 20
+311 1 20 2023 2024 23049923 30 4.936869 51.833933 61 84 88 a about accept addres agree all analyz and as assistanc avel avelingen-west board box brokerag build by carer carry cas charter choices collect companies component condition contact cookie cookies copyright cour custom cycl dam damag data delivery department described detail directly disclaimer do don during effort enabl enginer equipment experienc footer for foundation get googl group harbour hardinxveld help hesitat hom improv index intellectual into kind kit kvk latitud lif lifecycl longitud malfunction management map market may media medium merchandis mor naval navy ned netherland newsletter ocean offer on operation or our out personaliz phon po podcast policy possibilities postal postbus practical preferences pres privacy process property purchas read ready related remember repair request select servic setting shiprepair shipyard sit sized small solution special specialized statement steelwork subscrib support t technologies term terminal that the to touch traffic translat us usag use used vessel view visit we websit west you your
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