Blooming Film & TV B.V.
Amsterdam-Duivendrecht - Noord-Holland
Blooming Film & TV B.V.
Productie van televisieprogramma’s
5-9 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 -4 0 06 1114 12 18 1st 20 2021 35 5 78 820 a about accolades acros adem ak allow along already also amsterdam amsterdam-based amsterdam-duivendrecht an and animation animator apply april are around array availabl award award-winn bafta based be ber betwen blooming both bracha bring broadcasted by can cash cast character co collaboration comedy committed company contact context contribution coproduc cost courier creat creating creativ creativity crim crime-comedy designer development digital doesburgh duivendrecht earning eligibl ellermanstrat established excit exhal experienc experienced expertis facebok familiar family farmer fascinat february film fiv focus follow for franky friendship from fund funny generation going has hav hom homepag hout hunter industry inhal international jelka juf kep kid knowledg launched leadership linkedin liv lot ludwig mak mancav market may media mor multipl naranjina national neighbour net netherland new next nfpi not on onlin only originat our own patty pet platform played processes produc producer production project promises read rebat record relevant represented ros s sbs scripted series servic services shar show sing social som son song star starting stories story streaming stret strong strongly studio support supported suspen talent team television th that the ther thes this through timmy to top track turtl tv twitter two types up us various vast video videoland watching we wealth web welcomes what whatsapp will winning with within work world year you
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