Ascom (Nederland) B.V.
Utrecht - Utrecht
Ascom (Nederland) B.V.
Groothandel in elektronische en telecommunicatieapparatuur en bijbehorende onderdelen
100-499 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+41 -6340 00 2 2022 2024 2025 22 24/7 25 32 41 53 544 6 761 78 97 a about acces activity acut ad adullam advanced advertenties adverter ag aged agreement akkoord alarm alert alik all almaviva alway an analys analyser and anglicaresa announcement any appear are art as ascom aspect assisted assisted-liv at attack august australia awar awarenes bar basis be ben better bied blijft blog both bottom broad busines by call calm can car caregiver carer center central ch chang chooses clinical collaboration combiner combines comfortabl commissioned communication company comprehensiv concern condition consent considered constant consult contact content cookies coordinated corporat correctly country customer data dect del deliver delivery designed detail devic devices digistat digital digitalization dignity directiv discover download driv e e-mail efficiency efficient elderly embrac emergency employer enhanc ensur ensured ensures entered enterpris environment estinea eu facilities fax fel financial find finland fir first focus follow for form foster franc freedom from functies functional further futur future-prof gat gebruik gegeven get giv god group guerbet guiding half half-year has hav healthcar help helped high high-security hoc holding homes hospital hospitality how however i icu implement improves incident includ increasingly independenc industry informatie information informed innovation integrated intelligenc into investor ip it italia italian italy its july kep latest latter leading least legal let lighthous lin lives living long long-term looking lrbar maakt mail mak making management manufacturer market may media medical met minimiz mobil monitor mor movement multiprofessional must ned netherland new newsletter noodzak not nur nurses oem ofelia offer ok on one onz operational or organization our overlooked pager part partner partnership patient peopl personal personaliser personalized phon phones planned planning platform pleas policy portal possibl pr
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