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Covestro (Netherlands) B.V.
Geleen - Limburg
Covestro (Netherlands) B.V.
Overige dienstverlenende activiteiten op het gebied van informatietechnologie
500-999 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+0.07 /en/investors/reports-and-presentations /quarterly-statement-q3-2024/en/ 10 1cov 2/24/2025 2024 2025 27 3 3mb 4 400 49 58.74 5mb a about absolutely achiev acros action adnoc advanced ag again agility ai aimed all allow already also am an and anilin ap approach architectur are areas arguing arm around art artificial as assessment at ausell auto automotiv back ball be becom befor begun behind being better billion biobased biomas black blog both building busines but calendar call can car carer center challeng challenges chang changing chemical chemistry china chines circular citizen clear clearer click climat clos closed closed-lop collaboration common community companies company competencies competitivenes complet completely complex comprehensiv compromi concret condition consequences constructiv contact conversation copyright cor cornerston corporat cour covestro cq critical crucial cultur curb current currently cutting cutting-edg daily danger debat decarbonization decid decisiv deeply defossilization degree demand despair despit dialogue digitally direct discover disillusionment diver document don downsid driv driver driving earning easy economy edg education election electric end energy entry environment erosion especially essential establish eu eur europ even event ever every everyday everyon evolv exaggerated excessiv exchang expansion expert explor fac factshet fair fak far farm faster fatal feasibl filling filter financial find finder first flexibility focus for forc formula foundation from fruitful frustration fully further futur gained games germany get glob global god gren growing guidanc has hav health healthcar help her high high-quality high-tech higher highest highly hirzel hom homes how i imbalanc immen impact importanc important imprint improv increas increasingly incredibl indispensabl industrial i
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