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Noble Drilling (Nederland) II B.V.
Utrecht - Utrecht
Noble Drilling (Nederland) II B.V.
Dienstverlening voor de winning van aardolie en aardgas
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
-0.46 -1.42 00 100 1921 20 2023 2024 23 28 31.96 4 4.57 a accept acquisition advanced after all and any are as at b banner ben best board brand by can cap carer center certainty clas combination combined company connected contact cookie cookies copyright corporat corporation customer delay dep diamond director document drilling drillship driving efficiency environment ethic event exchang experienc facebok filing flet focus for foundation governanc has health history hom hotlin icon if inc increas industry industry-lead information instagram investor jackup leading learn left legal linkedin long long-term management market media minimum minutes modern modify mor most ne new no nobl nobleadvances noblelin norm notic nys october offer offshor on one open operates operational option our overview partnership performanc pleas pm policy portal possibl powered preferences pres presentation privacy provid q4 quarterly record releas releases report reserved result review right safety saved sec select selection semi semi-submersibles sinc slavery social statement status stay stock stor submersibles sustainability team term thank the this tim to track transparency twitter use utilization volum warrant we websit window wish with world world-clas you youngest your
Vind meer informatie over Noble Drilling (Nederland) II B.V. in de interactieve versie