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Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Handel in elektriciteit en in gas via leidingen
50-99 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+33 -01 -09 -23 -28 0 0.0 00 000 00cet 03 03/07/2024 09 1 10 10.07 10.99 100 103.82 104.53 109.12 11 11.04 111.35 111.45 112.02 114.24 114.45 117.70 12 120.11 120.20 127.08 127.19 129.1 130.30 132.68 133.84 137.03 138.19 139.10 140.31 140.70 142.55 142.80 144.02 144.13 144.18 144.58 146.50 148.20 148.74 148.88 149.93 15 150.5 150.73 151.57 151.85 153.15 157 15th 16 17 170.0 172.5 18 2 20 2024 2025 204.6 21.24 211.9 22 24 24/7 26 263.6 28.72 285.3 30 30min 311.4 32.4 4 40 419.8 422.1 43.31 43.90 46.75 5 51.98 52.51 52.93 535.3 545.1 619.7 652.2 67.22 7 7.32 70.0 73 731.2 75.32 75002 8.81 813.3 82.80 86.63 899.7 9.28 9.48 9.8 96 98.45 990.3 a about acces achieved acros ahead all all-tim allow analytic and anniversary announces annual are area as asset associated at at-ida1 at-ida2 at-ida3 auction availabl baseload basic be be-ida1 be-ida2 be-ida3 becom ben bidding biggest border boulevard by cancelled cannot capacity carer celebrat cet/cest ch ch-ida1 ch-ida2 chain clearer closur community computed condition connected consent consult contact content continue continuous cookies corporat countries country coupling cover creat data day day-ahead de-lu de-lu-ida1 de-lu-ida2 de-lu-ida3 delivery disabled discover dk1 dk1-ida1 dk1-ida2 dk1-ida3 dk2 dk2-ida1 dk2-ida2 dk2-ida3 do download driver dynamic e e-learn eex effectiv electricity enabl energy entir environment epex europ european exchang exchanges expertis fes fi fi-ida1 fi-ida2 fi-ida3 fitting flex flexibility focus follow for forward fr fr-ida1 fr-ida2 fr-ida3 from functionality futures gb gb-30min gb-ida1 gb-ida2 general get glossary go governanc group handbok has hav her high history hom hourly how ida1 ida2 ida3 indices info information insid interaction internal intraday italian its january join kernix latest launch launches learn learning level licenc linkedin list local log login lok lot lu mad main mar market media member mileston minut mission modules montmartr mor mtu multipl mwh new newsro
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