Perfect Maintenance B.V.
Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland
Perfect Maintenance B.V.
Reparatie en onderhoud van schepen
5-9 wn.
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+31 /or 10 23 24/7 24263499 2563 2930 3 3088 4 429 495 a aanverwant abl about activiteit afmeerlocatie albert all along and approach approval are area as assistanc at availabl b.v back barg barges bedrijv bekend bereik beschik broad c call cargo clas clean coastlin coastlines commission companies compris construction contact demand design dienstverlen different direction during email energy enginer equipment ervar especially etc european experienced fabrication facilities farm fax for from ga gas gebied geruim gesitueerd guarantee hav havengericht heavy hedendag hom industry installation kantor known kvk lashing launch lifting load located location magazijn maintain maintenanc mobilisation mooring mor nam nr off offic offshor oil ondernem operation our out perfect periodic phon pier plesmanweg ponton port preservation principal project provid read rederij related reliabl render repair requires respect rotterdam s saf scheepvaart seafasten secur semi semi-sub serv services shipping spread stel structures sub subsea survey the thes to today top transport transportbedrijv tuss us variety vereist vessel voluminous waalhav warehous we welcom well werkplat west west-european wher wij wind with work workshop
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