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Stichting Haagsche Schoolvereeniging, locatie Het Open Venster
's-Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland
Stichting Haagsche Schoolvereeniging, locatie Het Open Venster
Basisonderwijs voor leerplichtigen
50-99 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 10th 12 146 2017 2022 2593 383 7.6 7.72 70 7730 8 8.13 8.16 8.42 a abov accord achieved acros action all also alway among an and annual are as at averag based be becom believ ben best bilingual board but can challeng citizen citizenship claim click club compliment concerned connect contact copyright count countries country cour covid den denmark deserv difficult do dutch dyscalculia dyslexia edition education elaborated ensures established every everyon examined external fantastic fes fifth finland fiv for foundation from further general giv glob global guarantee haagsch hag happiest happines happy hav her heutszstrat higher hom hour hov how hsv i iceland important improvement inspir international it ivio job just kep known koningin land latest law learning legal lifelong lighthous lik littl looking mark mission mor motto nassaulan national ned netherland new nijenrodestrat number obliged offer on opportunities our out parent per perceiv picked pj plan pleas policies policy precondition preschol previous primary promot proud pupil ranking read reason receiv recently recognized regular report result rounding row s satisfaction schol schoolveren scor scores sem ses ship should showed skill sophiestrat special spot staff stand standard statement strategic student sufficient supervision survey switzerland teaching team than that the their themselves therefor thes they this three tim to top total tpo up us vacancies very view vision we welcom well which will willemspark with work working world would year you
Vind meer informatie over Stichting Haagsche Schoolvereeniging, locatie Het Open Venster in de interactieve versie