Software AG Nederland B.V.
's-Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland
Software AG Nederland B.V.
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
50-99 wn.
Loire 162
-2025 1 2 2020 2024 2050 3 a about acces actor adabas affiliates ag ai all allow an analyst analytic and and/or app application approach architectur are as at attend attract award balanc be better betwen blog breaches browsing build businesses but can challenges chang chaos check cloud cod com community company connect connectivity connx contact continue continuously cookie cor corporation cost criminal critical customer data databas datashet debt decades decision delawar deljis demand demo deploy despit develop developer development devop digital disclosur discover do easily edition efficiency either enterpris enterprises environment event explor faster find for free futur future-prof get gmbh god government group guest happ has help her herein high high-performanc highly host how however hybrid ibm ics if imprint increased industry innovation integration internal investor involv it its job join just justic k keeping know last latest learn legacy let leverag liability library licensor limited linux longer mainfram mak maker making managed management maximiz may mentioned met mission mission-critical modern moderniz modernized mor mov movement nam names natural new newsletter no no-cod number offer on on-prem on-premises one operates operation optimiz or other our out overcom owner paper percentag performanc platform policy portal power preferences prem premises pres privacy product prof professional putting read reality receiv registered regulated relying report research resiliency resourc resources respectiv responsibility responsibl right risk rock rock-solid run s sacrific saf say scalabl schedul seamles seamlessly secur security see seeker sensitiv serv services sign social softwar solid solution som stay stock stories story structured subscrib subsidiaries support sustainability/esg system talent team technical technology term that the their them to today too touch trademark training transform transformation trial trust try under up updates us use user uses ve
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