Lunatech Labs
Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland
Lunatech Labs
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
50-99 wn.
Hofplein 20
+31 +33 01 1 10 15 1993 20 200 2024 25 2600 3 30 3032 56 64 750 77700 82 88 90 a about ac accelerat acces achiev acros add addres adopted advanced agil agility ai ai-driv aim akka akka/pekko all allow along an analytic and and/or angular angularjs api apis app application architectur architectures are around articles as aspect aspect-oriented asynchronous at authentication authorization automat automated automatic automation aws azur backend based be bet betwen binding blend blog both broad brow browser build building built built-in busines businesses by can capabilities carer center centraliz chessy choic ci/cd clas classes client client-sid clos cloud cloud-based cloud-nativ cloudbes cod collaborat collaboration communicat communication compact companies company compatibility compil compiles complex complexity component component-based comprehensiv concurrency concurrent configuration connected consult consultancy contact contain container containerized continuous control cost cost-efficiency creat creating creation custom customer data data-driv decision decision-mak defined deliver delivery demand dep dependency deployed deployment design designed detail detection develop developed developer development devop different digital directives disparat distributed dom driv dynamic each eas easy ecosystem ee efficiency efficient efficiently employ employes enabl enables enhanc enhanced enhances ensur ensures enterpris enterprise-level environment error esb europ ever exist experienc experiences expertis expertises facebok facilitat facilitates fast featured features figma first flexibl focused follow for format formerly foster foundation foundational founded fr framework franc from full full-stack fully fully-featured functional functionality futur galmy generation get gitlab globally goal googl gradl greater growth handl hat hav headquarter heard help helping high high-performanc high-quality highly hofplein hom http i ide
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