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BluJay Solutions B.V.
Dordrecht - Zuid-Holland
BluJay Solutions B.V.
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
50-99 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
01 05 10 2 2024 2025 21 29 30 9 a abl about accelerat accept acceptabl acces achiev acros act adag adapt addendum additionally addres advantag advertis aerospac agil ai air alan all allow also an and and/or anticipat any apparel appear application are artificial as at audienc automotiv availabl b backed barcelona be becom benchmark benefit best beverag bill blog bluecros blueshield blujay booking border bottom brand brown browsing build built busines businesses button by can capabilities carer cargo carrier center certification chain challenges chang channel chemical chip choic choices clas clean clos collaborat collaboration commitment committed communication companies company competitiv complet complexity complianc complicated comprehensiv condition conduct confidenc confident connect connected consent constraint consult consultation consumer contact content control cookie cookies cost could coverag crgo cros cross-border cultur customer customiz data december defen defend demand design development devic diana digital digitaliz disruption diversify driv drives dusseldorf duty e2net e2open ecosystem efficient employee enabl enabled end end-to- engin ensur entir environment es ethic europ event every everyth evolves execution expansion experienc expert explor explosiv export eyes fac factory field field-prov filing first fit floating flor focus fod footprint footwear for forecast fr freight freightos from futur future-prof gain gas geolocation germany get giv gives global go god greener grow growth hand harmony has hav health hear heard help helping high hot how ide identification improv includ increased industrial industry information innovator insight intelligenc intelligent intercontinental into inventory ip it jabil jan january jianu journey kep largest leading leg legal lesson let leverag likely limited llc log logistic mak manag managed management manager manufactur market may meaner measurement met michelin modern moderniz modes mor most movement moving must
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