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Braskem Netherlands B.V.
Rotterdam - Zuid-Holland
Braskem Netherlands B.V.
Vervaardiging van petrochemische producten
100-499 wn.
Weena 240 /9th-Floor
10/23/2024 10/30/2024 10/31/2024 2 2025 2030 70 90 a about abov accept achiev agree agreement allocation alway americas among and announc are area around as asia at back based be believ benchmark best bio bio-based bio-circular biopolymer braskem brochures busines by capital carer caring cazoolo chain chang changing check chemical chooses circular click client commitment company complianc compliant contact continuous contractor cookie cookies copyright countries creation customer d dashboard day differenc disciplin doing drives eco eco-efficiency economic efficiency encourag enginer entir es esg ethanol ethic ethyl europ every everyon everyth evolv experienc extend facebok fed feedstock financial focus for from global globalization governanc growth guarantes has hav health her history how human i impact index industry information initiatives innovation integrated investor japanes largest leader learn learning lin linkedin mad maintain mak management market mor nest new offices on operational our peopl petrochemical planet plant plastic policy polymer portal positiv premis pres privacy producer product production produktionsstandort profil progres project pt report resin responsibility responsibl result right rom s search see segment serves servic services setting siam so social sourcing stay strategy sugarcan supplier supply sustainability sustainabl system t technical term thailand that the ther thermoplastic thes tm to top toyo transparent ts unit us use value values vetting visit voq we websit what with without working world yes you your youtub
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