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Glencore Energy UK Ltd
's-Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland
Glencore Energy UK Ltd
Beleggingsinstellingen in financiële activa
100-499 wn.
Prinses Beatrixlaan 582
+2.27 +5.85 03/12/2024 04 04/02/2025 07 10 100 12/12/2024 14/11/2024 15 17 17/12/2024 20/01/2025 2024 2025 22/11/2024 30/01/2025 347.95 81.07 a about accessibility action add advanc affair africa agreeing all ambition and annual are as awarded block brow building busines businesses by calendar carbon carer chang climat cod commitment commodities companies concern conduct congratulation continu contract cookies corporat cultur decarbonis delayed director distribut diversified diversity download economic economy energis energy essential everyday ferroalloy finalist financial find focused for full fundamental gbp german glencor global globally gmt hav industrial insight invest investor jse key largest latest learn lif low low-carbon lse market material meeting metal mineral mining ministry minutes modern mor moves natural ned new nordenham notic on one openly/raising operation our out play policy portfolio power preliminary pric prices privacy produc production protection publication purpos raw read recycl report resourc responsibly result retirement rol s scal see shar shift sit slavery solar sourc sourcing south speaking statement stories supply support sustainability term that the this through to today tomorrow toward transition use uses view we whilst who will wom world year you zar
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