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Vliegwerk Holland B.V.
Arnemuiden - Zeeland
Vliegwerk Holland B.V.
Personenvervoer door de lucht
5-9 wn.
Calandweg 56
-01 -02 -2019 -2024 01 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 100 11 12 1200kg 13 14 145 15 17 172 20 201 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 2021 2022 2024 2100 22 25 27 28 28rt 29 30 33 360 8 91.411 91.413 a about accord after aircraft airport all also an and aoa application approval approved april are arrived as asp at august autofuel autopilot availabl aviation avidyn avionic away b1 beat becam becomes bent besid better binn brand breda breidt bv c172sp calculation camo can cao car center certified cessna cfr check clos closing cockpit coming commercieel company complet condition contact continental conversion cooperation cost custom d d-elja d-ewit dat december delivered department developed diesel digital display easa ehmz ehs ehtx electronic elja emk eng erkenn ewit experienced f172l faa facebok facilities facility fact february filter final find flight follow for from fuel g5 garmin general glas has hav heden hiring holland hom hour i i-spaq increasement info information inspection instagram installation international it january jp jul july jun ker khz koopt kostenbespar lager lancair let licensed lik link location lok looking lot lower luu lycom mad maintenanc mak managed many march may mean mjb modification mogelijk monitor mor most mtom much n n3279g n45462 new nieuw november now oct october oldtimer on onderhoud onderhoudslokatie onlin only oo oo-lot operational option or our overhaul own owner p2010 pa pa-28rt pa18 pag panel paperwork part part66 paz perform ph ph-emk ph-ker ph-luu ph-mjb ph-paz ph-sej ph-twp ph-wou pitot pitot/static plan plane-check planecheck pleas possibl pric program quotation radio rebat received receives reduced reg.aircraft regelgev registered reliability repair respray s s-tec sal sej selector september servic services sinc sold son spaq static station stc stewart submit system takes tb9 tbo tec technology tecnam test testing texel the to twp uk under upgrades us vacatur vanaf vfr via vliegt vliegtuig vliegtuigonderhoud vliegwerk vlot vot vrag we webshop w
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