SurfiX B.V.
Wageningen - Gelderland
SurfiX B.V.
Biotechnologisch speur- en ontwikkelingswerk op het gebied van medische producten en farmaceutische processen en van voeding
10-49 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 0 1285 2 488 6708 85 a about accept accurat accurately acid acid-based activ affect after against agro all also alway an and anonymous anxiety any application are around art ask at availabl based be becom befor biochip biomarker biopsy bioreceptor biosensor both bowel burdensom busines but button by can cancer captur cartridg causes chang changing check chos click combination combines complicated consist contact cookie cookies cor cost cost-effectiv dedicated desktop detect detected detection devastat develop diagnos diagnosis diagnostic diseas do does dream during early easy easy-to-us effectiv eliminat envisages equipment even ever every everyon examination excit facilities fight for further gam game-chang get goal great hav having health healthcar help highly highly-trained hospital how if imagin imagines immunoassay impact improv info interest invasiv isn it its job know landscap larg les lif lik liquid lok looking mak manner market microfluidic million molecular monitor mor much nanocoat neccessary new nl no not nucleic on onc ones opportunities optimized optional or other our pag park partner patient peopl permission photonic plac platform play pleas population procedur procedures program proprietary protein provid provided purpos pw quality quick quickly reader reality reliabl right rol s samples screening sensitiv setting significant six so specialized staff stag stat state-of-the-art statistic status stay stres suitabl surfix survival system t technologies technology test that the them then ther this tim timely to trained treatment undergo updat us use used utiliz value versatil wagen want we what when which whitepaper will with without working world would year you your
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