Goudsmit Magnetic Components B.V.
Waalre - Noord-Brabant
Goudsmit Magnetic Components B.V.
Groothandel in overige consumentenartikelen (rest, non-food)
10-49 wn.
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+31 0 2025 221 32 37 40 450 5 60 83 a about accept advertisement advic affect air alnico also alway an analyz and any are as assembly attraction availabl be belt better bras browsing bush by c calculation can cart ceiling centr certification chemical clean clicking clos cobalt compact condition connect contact content convey conveyor cookie cookie-set cookies corrosion countersunk crack cs cylinder cylindrical demagnetization different disclaimer dispersion do driv due electromagnet end enginer ensur es event everyth excludes experienc expert fall faq feb ferrit field fixing flat for forc forces form found fr free from gap goudsmit gripping ground handling hanging hav high high-quality hol holding how ideal increases indicated industries info@goudsmitmagnetics.com inspection installation instrument internal know knowledgebas learn lifting lin link location mad magnet magnetic magnetism maintenanc manag material maximum measur measured membership mm model mor mounting moving my ndfeb neodymium new nl no not offer offices on one only optimum option or our packag permanent perpendicular personaliz piec pl plastic pol policy position pot power pressur privacy product prototyp provid provides qualities quality question ranges rapid ready resistanc rod rubberized samarium separator serv services setting sheath shopping simulation sit slev small smco stainles stel suitabl supplier support surfac surfaces surround system targeted team temperatur term test thank the them thes thicknes thread threaded through to today tol traffic under us use useful uses various version wall we websit wer with without working workpiec you
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