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Van der Lee Seafish B.V.
Urk - Flevoland
Van der Lee Seafish B.V.
50-99 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 0 000 010 1 1973 2 200 2018 24 3 500 527 689 80 a abl added additives advantages after all also alway and animal april are art as assortiment at august bag based becaus beginn being ben besides best both bread bread-crumbed brochur businesses bv by can cartonag catalog catch caught certified changes cold com combination companies company competitiv complet completed completely constant construction contact control convenienc copyright crumbed current customer dep distribution distributor during east employes europ european everybody everyth exampl exist expansion exporter extensiv fact factory february figures finest fir first fish flavor focus fod for formulation foundation founded freezing fresh freshnes frez fried from froz gateway globally great grec guarantee has hav head highest hom ideal imported ingredient international introduc it italy kg kingdom known label labelled laid larg largest leading leaves lee lin local located lok looking m2 machinery maintained mark market mean met middl million mixed mor multipl near ned netherland new no north northsea northseafish not notification now off offer offic offices on one operational or origin our packag pallet particular per philosophy photos plac plant plant-based pleas portugal possibl pric process processed processor product production provides purchas quality rang read realized reason received reefercontainer retail right rotterdam round s sales sea seafish seafod season shellfish shop short should singl sort spain specific standard started stat stop stor storag strategically subjected substantial substitutes supplier supply sustainabl tak that the their thes they this tim to ton tonnes tray treated turnover union unique united urk use used v value variety vegan vegetabl vegetarian video videos vitamines warehous watch way we well whatsoever when wholesal wholesaler win with within world worldwid wrap year you your youtub
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