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Polyganics Innovations B.V.
Groningen - Groningen
Polyganics Innovations B.V.
Vervaardiging van farmaceutische producten (geen grondstoffen)
5-9 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
20 2024 25 25m 4m 86 a ability about accelerat acquired acros act advanced advances after all also an and apart application applying approach approval are around array art as at augment availabl be behalf benefit bioabsorbabl biocompatibl biomaterial bioresorbabl biosciences body bon boundaries breakthrough bring bringing brochures can carer changing china client clinical closur co co-creat collaboration collag collectiv commercialization concept connect continuous contract countries creat creativity crosslinked customer daniel day dedicated deliver delivered demonstrates dental depend design determination develop development devic devices differenc diligenc discover distinct distribution diver download driv drives driving dural duty each efficiency ent enthusiasm ethically ethos every everyon excited expanded expert fernandez fill first first-of-its-kind for from frontier functional gain gap general global goal grad great has heal healing health help highlight hom honestly implant improvement inception inclusiv incredibl innovation integrity into inventor it its join journey kind latest leader learn lee legal let lif life-chang lin lives looking loved mak manufactur manufacturer market material matrix matter medical medtech membran met mission mor multicenter nat natsuyo natural nerv neurosurgery new next notic novel now obligation oem offer on one ones only open operat or orthopedic other our pag part partner passionat patient peopl pivotal platform play polyganic polymer portfolio position possibl privileg process produc produced product production proprietary proudly purpos pursuit push rang raw re read rebranded receives recomm recovery reflect regenerat regeneration regenerativ regenity regulatory relentles reliabl repair represent resorbabl respect return rol s scienc scientist see services set shar sinc sizes solution sought specialist spin stat state-of-the-art study subject successful support supported surgery synthetic team technologi
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