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Paulides B.V.
Sprang-Capelle - Noord-Brabant
Paulides B.V.
Vervaardiging van elektromotoren, elektrische generatoren en transformatoren
10-49 wn.
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
-180 -200 -220 -240 -3000 -3500 -4000 -80 -96 0.40 0.75 1 1.1 1.4 1.7 10 1000 12 12v 1500 150w 17 1938 2 200 220v 220v-dc 24 25kw 3 4 4000rpm 48 5 500rpm 6 600 8 80 800 a a120pm a120pms a140pm a140pml a159 a166pm a178 a202pm a229 a273 about ae alpatek already an and are as at aura availabl b.v b3/b14/b5/iec112 b3/b14/b5/iec63/71 b3/b14/b5/iec71/80 b3/b14/b5/iec80/90 b3/b14/b5/iec90/100 based be behind brushed brushes busines by can capabl capell center commutator company consult cont contact currently customer dad dc deliver depend depression design distributor during dutch either electric electrical electromechanical email enclosur enginer entrepreneurial ephemeron established excited exist existed experienc field fixed for foundation fram freshly from graduated group history hom industrial industry information innovation input installation international ip20 ip40 ip54 ip55 ip65 it kw larg link machin machines magnet manufactured max min mor motor mounting nederland no not now or order organization output p.m parental parties paulides permanent plan pleas pm produc producer product quantities rang read realization related relatively retail rpm s sam sector send separately shop shunt/series/comp sinc singl siz small sme specialized specification sped sprang sprang-capell started summary supplied system technical techniek technological technology than that the to typ upon us v voltag we websites wher with work workshop wound wound-field year
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