Succulent Tissue Culture (S.T. C.)
Sint-Maartensdijk - Zeeland
Succulent Tissue Culture (S.T. C.)
Speur- en ontwikkelingswerk op het gebied van landbouw en visserij (niet biotechnologisch)
2-4 werknemers
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0 10 1000 1995 1998 1999 2003 2005 2008 2011 2016 2024 3 40 500 a about account achieved act against agav agaves aim all aloe aloes already also amount an and answer any applicatie approaches are areas around art as auction axilliairy b.v basket be bedding bedding-flower beher being besid bigger bought breeding brief building built bulbin but calli can cicumstances cleanrom clear collect collection collector combin completed computer computer-controlled condition connected consultancy consultant contact continue contribut controlled corridor could creat crop cultur daily databas day decid decided desired destruction developp developped did different director disfunction doing dracaena e e-mail echeveria embryogenesis end endangered enhanc enough establish even exist expanded experienc experiment extensively extinct extremely facility famous faq fastwar field finally first flower focus focussed for forgot form found founder from further gallery garag gasteria greenhous grew grow growing grown growth growthrom habitat hand haploid happy has hav haworthia haworthias hectares heritag highly his history hom hopes hosting if illegal implement implemented improv includ induction interested internet internet-sales into introduction invent invention it item july kep knowledg lab lab-unit laboratory land larg les lik located location login lok m2 maartensdijk mail mainly many meantim medium medium-sized mor most moved much multiplication multiply mutated mutation mutation-induction natural ned new newsletter next no not november now number nursery offer old on one one-only onlin online-nursery only ontwikkel or organogenesis ornamental other our out paid part partner password plac plant plants/crops possibillities produc produced produces production protect protocol provid quantities rang rar receiv reliabl rented reproduction research research-partner reserved right robert rom s s.t.c sal sales servic shopping shoppingbasket sign singl sint sint-maartensdijk sized small so s
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