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Stichting The Design Academy Eindhoven
Eindhoven - Noord-Brabant
Stichting The Design Academy Eindhoven
Niet-universitair hoger onderwijs
100-499 wn.
Emmasingel 14
+31 14 15 18 2 20 2020 2025 2nd 39 3d 4 40 5611 6 70 a about academy accept accessibl account accountability achiev acros action activation aesthetic agency ahead aim all alternativ alumni an analyses and anja announced anonymously answer applied apply approach approaches are arena arises around art artistic as aspect aspir at autonomous away az ba bachelor background based be beacon becom behaves betwen beyond blah body both boundaries bring build building busines but by can centr centred chang changes chaosmos characteriz classical cod cognitiv collaborativ collaborator collect collectiv collectives commerc committed complex complexity composition concept condition conduct congratulates consider consistently constant constructiv consumption contact contained content context contextual cookie cookies copy copyright council counterbalanc coupled cour courses craft crafting creat creates creativ critical critique crossover crucial cultur cultural curiosity customiz cut dae dares declin decod dedicated deeply defined definition dep department design designed designer develop development digital digital-nativ disclaimer discourses diver do do-god do-mak doing don driv driver dutch earth ecological ecologies economic education educational effort eindhov embedded emerges emmasingel empower empowered enabl engagement enhanc entanglement environmental envision escap ethical event excit expand expanded experienc experiences explor exploration explores extraction far february feedback feeling field figur fiv flor fluid focus focuses for forces forest form forward forward-think foster foundation founded freely from futur futures geo geopolitical global god governanc graduates graduation grot guid gut hand has having help hop housing how human ideas imagin inclusivity incubator independent individual info information infrastructures innovation inquiry inquisitiv inroad instagram institution institutional instrument intellectual intentional interact intern
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