Spaarndammer- en Zeeheldenbuurt
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Caunos B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Caunos B.V.
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+31 -20 -2022 -7371201 1013mx 12/5 2000 22 242/4 34363 35220 44/b a accumulated achiev addres advic agil alsancak/konak also amsterdam analysis and application appropriat architectur art as as-a-servic aspect at attention availabl aws based being ben beneficial bulv busines by can capabilities caunos chang characteristic client cloud commitment companies complet constraint consultancy contact container continu continuity copyright corporat corporation cost creat cumhuriyet customer data dedication defin deliver deploy deployment design detail develop development different dink disciplin do doing domain driv during each email embrac enterpris environment ethic evaluat event excellent exist existenc experienc extend f follow for from full functional generous hardwar has hav highest highly hom host hosting houtmankad hrant identify if implement implementation includ infrastructur integration istanbul it its izmir j knowledg larg lifecycl maintenanc manag management messag monitor mor most multi multi-team multi-vendor multitud nam ned needed netherland new not oint on operational optimisation or os osmanbey our outcom packages partner period phon platform preferred process processes programmes project promoted provid provider ready relevant reliabl required run s scalabl sector serverles servic services serving sk skill skilled small softwar solution specification spectrum start stat state-of-the-art stop subject submit substantial suitabl suites support tailored team techniques technologies technology the thes through throughout to together turkey unctional upgrades us use user using value varying vendor virtual warranty we well when wher wid with within work working year
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