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Savills Investments B.V.
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Savills Investments B.V.
Bemiddeling bij handel, huur of verhuur van onroerend goed
50-99 wn.
Claude Debussylaan 48
000 0jd 15 200 2023 2024 2024/25 2122174 300 33 40 70 700 a about abu accessibility accommodation account acros advic advisor affordabl africa agricultural alert all allow alongsid alpin alway ambition americas and apres après arabia are arm articl articles as asia aspiration asset associates at australia austria authorised authority bahamas bahrain barbados be belgium bespok best botswana bring build busines buyer buying by caicos can canada caribbean cayman challeng china city clas collaborat commercial commodities company condition conduct constructively consultancy contact content cookies copyright cottages countries country creat croatia cyprus czech data decision denmark development dhabi discover dubai east edition education egypt employee employes empower energy england environmental esg estat estonia ethic europ every expert explor facebok factor farm fca featured fed feedback financ financial find finland for franc fraud from fulfill futur gas germany get gibraltar glob global goal grec group growth guernsey guides hav healthcar heart help helpful her history holding honest hong hotel housing how human hungary if impact importanc incorporated index india indonesia industrial industry information infrastructur insight instagram international investment investor ireland island israel it italy its japan jersey just kenya kingdom kong korea land latest latvia leading learn leisur letting lif linkedin list listen lithuania ll local location logistic lok london luxembourg macao mak making malaysia manag management margaret marin market matter mauritius mexico middl mineral mixed monaco montenegro mor mozambique much my namibia ned netherland network new new-build next normality norway november number occupier offic offices oil oman on one open opinion or our ourselves out outlok pacific pakistan peopl person philippines pioner planning plc plus poland portugal previous pricing prim priority privacy progres project properties property public pursuit question rang
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