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Afactis B.V.
Veghel - Noord-Brabant
Afactis B.V.
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
2023 a abl about accord account achiev act act-based action activities adaptabl addres afactis affect agility all all-encompass allow also alway an analys analysis analytic analyz and any approach are areas as aspect assumption at attitud audit automat automation availabl awarenes based be becaus being belief benchmark benefit best better bias board built busines but by can cannot canvas categorisation challeng challenges chanc chang changes changing channel check choic clear cloud cloud-based collaboration com coming common communicat communication company comparison complex comprehensiv conclusion connotativ consider consultancy contact content context continuous control cookies copyright cost could creat created creativity cultur customer data dates decision defin defined denotativ depend design designed desired diagram different dimension directly do down each economic effectiv effectively effectivenes efficiency efficiently element eliminat email employee employes enables encompass engagement engines enhanced ensur error etc evaluat everyon evidenc evolutionary executed expertis expresses external f faces fact fact-based fact-check factor fal features feedback feeling fel fill financ financial flexibility flexibl flywhel follow follow-up for formatted frequently from function functional get gives glanc goal greater grounded group has hav help helpful holistic how identify if implement important improv improved improvement inbox includ includes incorrect increased indicator individual industry information informed insight inspection integral interconnected interdependent interview into involves it its job judgment just key know languag larger lastest latest lead lik likely link location mad mak making management manual many market may mean measur measurabl measurement meeting messag method methodology metric missing mistakes model mor most multipl nam narrowed natur ned neither new news/facts nor not notified number objectiv ok on one operat operates operational
Vind meer informatie over Afactis B.V. in de interactieve versie