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Noord Veluws Ballonteam
Oldebroek - Gelderland
Noord Veluws Ballonteam
Personenvervoer door de lucht
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
-105 -1234 -160 -2 -270 -77 -90 0.97 01/2017 02/2023 02/2033 03/2021 04/2019 05/2033 06/2017 06/2025 08/2018 1 1.02 1.2 1.27 1.30 1.35 1.37 1.70 1.8 1.9 10 10/2000 10/2024 10/2025 10/2034 100 12/1999 12/2018 120a 123 126.000 12th 13.0 133 140 1400 143 180 1990 1991 1993 1995 1997 1x 2 2.2 2.20 2.600 20 200 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2016 2018 2023 2024 203 2030 2033 2034 219 239 25 250 25m3 26 26/08/2025 2700 275 2a 2x 3.0 3.00 3.29 3.600 3.7 3040 350 36/24 370 3a 3x 4 40 448 45 45m 4x 5 5.0 50 514 519 554 582 60 603 631 65kg 76a 8 8.0 8.33 80 90 90/105 900 96 account add added advertis advertisement aerostar after aid air airship all allowanc anchor and antenna any arc are area areas aristocrat artwork as at availabl axl bag ballon band banner basket be bendix/king best black blanket blue bnc both bottom brand brauniger brown buckles built burgundy burned burner but by c c3 cameron can carbon categories category cb23835 cb300 cb300-2a cb300-3a cb3004 cb579 cb599 cb991 cb991-c cgih colt comes complet condition considered contact copyright cord cover creat crt cushion cylinder d d-ogdl damag dated dear detail dimension disclaimer dittel don doubl drop droplin easa easy empty end engin entries envelop envelopes equipment excellent expired extinguisher fan fet fiber fir first fitting fixed flight flights/hrs flip flor flown flug flytec for forgot form fram free fresh front ft3 g g-cgih g-mok gas gd gefa gefaflug gives god gondola gren hand harnes helix hom hoses hp hp6d hrs hyperlast icom ignis immediately inflation insid inspected inspection installed instrument it item karabiner kg khz kit km/h krt krt2 kt kubicek l last lbl leather light lightly lin lindstrand link liquid liter m m3 maintained master max maximum mayb meyer minut mk21 mk4 model mok my navy neo neubewertung new next no nomex not november off offer ogdl oiled ok on only or other outsid overlaid padding panel parachut password per perfect permit ph
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